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School Starts at 8.40am & finishes at 3.10pm Term 5 ends on 24th May at 3.10pm - Term 6 begins on Monday 3rd June at 8.40am ........... Reporting your child absent from school - please telephone 01227 464956 or email officemanager@parkside.kent.sch.uk before 10.00am ...........  Please click here to read the School's March Newsletter ...........   



Here at Parkside, we recognise the variety of religious and non-religious families from which our pupils come.  We welcome and celebrate this diversity, are sensitive to the home background of each child and work to ensure that all pupils feel and are included in our RE programme.

In addition, we recognise key religious festival throughout the year across different religions and actively promote the British Value of mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We believe that tolerance and understanding are crucial to a harmonious country and so across our assemblies, RE and PSHE lessons we aim to educate our children for this purpose.

Our RE curriculum comes from the Kent Agreed Scheme, giving children opportunities to learn about a wide range of religions, cultures and customs from around the world. Our RE lessons are rich in knowledge and understanding due to our incredibly diverse school community. Children are always happy to share their understanding of their own religion, which gives our RE curriculum a unique Parkside feel.