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School Starts at 8.40am & finishes at 3.10pm Term 5 ends on 24th May at 3.10pm - Term 6 begins on Monday 3rd June at 8.40am ........... Reporting your child absent from school - please telephone 01227 464956 or email officemanager@parkside.kent.sch.uk before 10.00am ...........  Please click here to read the School's March Newsletter ...........   


Nurture Dog

Nurture Dog - Parkside Community Primary School

"He makes me feel happy and calm straight away!"

Rita, Year 6

"I love Arnold, he listens to my stories."

Louie, Year 1

"Arnold helps me when I'm feeling a little bit upset, he makes me happy! He is like a cuddly teddy bear."

Billie-Jean, Year 5

"He helps me calm down when I am upset or angry. I look forward to the days Arnold comes to school."

Kaydan, Year 5.

"He makes me feel good, I like playing with him."

Jack, Year R
